Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Huevos Fagiole

For the second day in a row it is out of bed and to work without thought of food beyond coffee as fuel. Drew finishes his review writing first and realizes he is starving while Raul is still buried in literally thousands of photos that must be sorted, sifted and processed. "It's way past time for breakfast," says Raul just after noon has rolled by. "What do you feel like having?"

"I'll make something," volunteers Drew. "How about Huevos Fagiole?

"What?" says Raul, skeptically raising an eyebrow.

"There is Fagiole sauce left in the fridge," Drew thinks out loud. "I'll put it over pasta and poach an egg on top."

"Not too spicy," says Raul absently. "And the avocados are a perfect ripeness."

Drew heats the sauce to a slow boil while the pasta cooks at a fast boil. And the avocados do slice nicely with a squirt of lime juice keeping them from turning brown. Because the eggs, pasta and avocado will all be bland Drew does sneak some fresh grated black pepper into the Fagiole sauce as it heats. When the pasta is almost done he creates two little indents in the boiling sauce and ladles in the eggs, puts on the lid and crosses his fingers. He strains the pasta and divides it between the serving plates before grating on a heaping helping of Parmagiano-Reggiano (and a little more black pepper). One egg, for no discernible reason beyond a desire to be aggravating, poaches at twice the speed of the other so it is plated and served. The second egg, though taking longer, is more visually appealing.

"Just what I needed," raves Raul. "I can't believe you boiled pasta."

"And poached eggs perfectly despite Julia Child saying it is difficult," says Drew between mouthfuls. "Get back to work."

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