Saturday 28 September 2013

Basil Chicken wrapped in Bacon, Greek Potatoes, Peas and Bean Salad

Raul buys bacon on extreme sale and is horrified at how fatty it is, not a bargain at all. It sits in the fridge but has to be used creatively at some point. He thaws some chicken breasts and layers them with a thick layer of basil from the balcony - the season is sadly ending but there is still a large crop growing - and then wraps them in bacon. He bakes them at the same time (350 degrees) as the Greek potatoes from that have become a favourite. The bacon bakes up crispy and the chicken - being wrapped in all that fat - is moist and flavourful. A few grinds of Spicy Garlic and the taste explodes.

"The bacon was a disappointment but the chicken is magnificent," admits Raul.

"Not as great as the pork loin," notes Drew. "But then it was bbq'ed and not baked. That was before we started the blog but it was one of your greatest successes so you should really make it again and we'll document it."

As much as Raul hates to repeat himself, he entertains the idea.

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