"One just does not tackle flyer day without a full stomach," says Drew. "We need to have breakfast before we set out."
"I have it all planned," says Raul. "Today is waffle day."
"Waffles and . . ?"
"You can never go wrong with bacon," agrees Drew.
On Thursday night the grocery store flyers arrive - Food Basics and Sobeys in a neat, for a few moments before the other tenants start gathering and scattering, pile by the front door; No Frills in the mail - along with all sorts of other deal offers from every big retailer in the area. The perusal is a complicated process: what is needed? What is a true bargain? What would be an affordable treat? What is the dog deigning to eat at this point in time?
A list is made by cross-referencing and the week's tentative menu (it will change according to the weather and Raul's whims) is planned. Because it is the first of the month the list is longer than usual - usually it is just the bargains - as some staples need to be purchased. The day is rainy and cool and as soon as their stomachs are full, R&D are ready for their expedition.

No Frills has the best deals and Raul is excited to find an unadvertised chicken breast special - $1 a pound - and elbows his way through the mob to acquire three packages. There will be much bbq'ed chicken over the next little while. Everything on the list is found - despite many specials being sold out despite arriving at the crowded store a mere 45 minutes after it has opened - except for the wish list: tarragon, coffee and prosciutto. With luck they will be in next week's flyer.
The fridge, freezer and pantry are full and Raul breathes a sigh of relief. "What's for lunch?" inquires Drew.
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